The Maluwagi54321 Forum
Velkom to the Maluwagi54321 forums. If you're not a bot, click the login button if you're registered or the register button if you aren't. But I know you're not dumb. That is, if you're not a bot.

Assuming you're not a bot, READ THE FORUM RULES. Many users don't and spam up the forum. That gives the moderateurs and the admin a hard time. Ok? So read the rules. That is, if you're not a bot. If you are we'll ban you immediately. We have bot-trackers.
The Maluwagi54321 Forum
Velkom to the Maluwagi54321 forums. If you're not a bot, click the login button if you're registered or the register button if you aren't. But I know you're not dumb. That is, if you're not a bot.

Assuming you're not a bot, READ THE FORUM RULES. Many users don't and spam up the forum. That gives the moderateurs and the admin a hard time. Ok? So read the rules. That is, if you're not a bot. If you are we'll ban you immediately. We have bot-trackers.

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